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Understanding Software Dynamics

Tags: #technology #software engineering #programming #performance #optimization #systems #ai

Authors: Richard L. Sites


This book provides a practical guide for understanding and improving the performance of time-constrained software. It’s written for software developers and advanced students who work on programs that need to respond quickly to events – such as database transactions, real-time control systems, and web services. The core principle is to avoid guessing and instead rely on careful measurement and observation of program behavior to pinpoint the root causes of performance bottlenecks. Traditional performance profiling tools, I argue, often provide an incomplete picture, obscuring the dynamic interplay between software, hardware, and external factors. To remedy this, I introduce and guide the reader through building a custom tool called KUtrace. KUtrace captures and timestamps every transition between user-mode and kernel-mode execution with minimal overhead. By analyzing the resulting trace data, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how your software interacts with the operating system, hardware resources, and other programs running on the same system. This understanding is crucial for diagnosing the root cause of performance problems. You’ll see how to use KUtrace to reveal subtle yet significant performance bottlenecks like excessive execution, slow instruction execution, and waiting for CPU, memory, disk, network, software locks, queues, and timers. The book is hands-on, with code examples, programming exercises, and insights from real-world case studies of optimizing performance in complex software systems, such as at Google. Layered throughout the book is an emphasis on modern processor chips and their performance-enhancing mechanisms, along with how execution patterns can accidentally defeat those mechanisms, creating surprising delays. By understanding software dynamics – the true behavior of programs under real-world conditions – you’ll gain the skills to design and build more efficient, responsive, and reliable software systems.

Book Outline

1. My Program Is Too Slow

This chapter sets the stage for understanding and diagnosing performance bottlenecks in software. It introduces the concept of software dynamics, which is the interplay of various code components, threads, and even external factors like hardware and network conditions, that contribute to the overall execution time of a program. A key takeaway is the importance of having a clear understanding of the expected performance of each code section, transaction, or query, which then allows for targeted investigation when those expectations aren’t met.

Key concept: “My program is too slow” is a common complaint, but rarely is it accompanied by an answer to the crucial question: ‘How slow should it be?’. Effective performance analysis demands a clear understanding of expected behavior, enabling you to recognize and address discrepancies between that expectation and observed reality.

2. Measuring CPUs

This chapter delves into measuring CPU time. Modern CPUs are not simple, sequential instruction processors. They employ techniques like pipelining, superscalar execution, and out-of-order execution to achieve high performance. Understanding these intricacies is crucial for accurately measuring the latency of instructions and identifying potential bottlenecks. Simply reading the time before and after executing an instruction is often misleading due to these complexities. The chapter emphasizes the importance of carefully designing measurements and being aware of the CPU’s internal workings.

Key concept: People who are more than casually interested in computers should have at least some idea of what the underlying hardware is like. Otherwise the programs they write will be pretty weird. – Don Knuth

To effectively measure and analyze software performance, you need to understand the underlying hardware architecture, especially how modern CPUs execute instructions.

3. Measuring Memory

This chapter focuses on measuring memory access latency. Modern computer systems utilize a hierarchical memory system with multiple levels of cache memory to bridge the speed gap between the CPU and main memory. The organization and size of each cache level significantly impact performance. This chapter explores techniques to measure the cache line size, total size of each cache level, and the associativity of caches. It also highlights the complexities of memory timing measurements due to prefetching, out-of-order execution, and virtual-to-physical address translation.

Key concept: Modern processors have many speedup mechanisms for accessing main memory. Like the girl with a curl on her forehead, when they are good they are very, very good, and when they are bad they are horrid. – Longfellow, adapted

Understanding cache behavior is critical to writing high-performance code, especially how memory access patterns can either take advantage of caches or accidentally defeat their speedup mechanisms.

4. CPU and Memory Interaction

This chapter examines the interaction between CPU and memory, specifically how cache behavior affects the performance of a matrix multiplication program. Accessing data in row-major order versus column-major order can significantly impact cache hit rates and overall execution time. The chapter demonstrates how optimizing code to be cache-aware can lead to substantial performance improvements.

Key concept: Understanding how CPU instructions interact with cache memory can be crucial to understanding high performance, especially when dealing with large amounts of data where the placement of data in the cache hierarchy has an enormous effect on overall CPU performance.

5. Measuring Disk/SSD

This chapter covers measuring disk and SSD latency, emphasizing the internal dynamics of a single read or write operation. It explains the various software and hardware components involved in disk access, including the operating system, file system, and the disk drive itself. The chapter delves into the mechanisms of hard disks and SSDs, highlighting their differences in performance and behavior. It introduces the concept of the ‘Half-Useful Principle’ for disk access.

Key concept: The Half-Useful Principle: After a startup latency T, work for at least time T - to do useful work at least half the time.

Disk accesses have a large startup cost; to minimize the effect of this it is useful to do enough work after each seek to dominate that startup cost.

6. Measuring Networks

This chapter delves into the world of network measurements, exploring the complexities of Ethernet, hubs, switches, routers, and the TCP/IP protocol suite. It explains how network latency can arise from various factors, including transmission delays, packet loss, and congestion. The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying network infrastructure and protocols for accurately measuring network performance.

Key concept: Because of the many software and hardware layers involved in network transmissions, network performance can be difficult to understand. To get reliable data it is useful to minimize interference from unrelated traffic on shared network links.

7. Disk and Network Database Interaction

This chapter combines the knowledge gained from the previous chapters on disk and network measurements to explore the interaction between them in a network database system. The chapter investigates the use of spinlocks for protecting shared data and the challenges of time synchronization across multiple machines. It demonstrates how excessive lock hold times can lead to performance bottlenecks and how write buffering with synchronous disk I/O can create unexpected delays.

Key concept: A simple network-based database system, along with timestamped logs, can reveal unexpected delays, such as network transmission time exceeding disk access time for large data, and the effects of lock contention.

8. Logging

This chapter focuses on the importance of logging as an observation tool. It argues that logging should be an integral part of any datacenter software design. The chapter discusses various types of logging, including basic logging, extended logging, and the role of timestamps in providing context for log entries. It emphasizes the need for low-overhead logging to avoid distorting the system’s behavior.

Key concept: “If you can afford only one observation tool, it should be logging” - me, here

Timestamped logs of key events, along with related parameters, can be invaluable for understanding the dynamics of a complex software system.

9. Aggregate Measures

This chapter explores aggregate measures—ways to summarize large amounts of performance data. It covers different techniques for summarizing event counts, such as request arrivals, and for summarizing per-event measured values like latency or bytes transmitted. The chapter discusses the use of timelines, histograms, and percentile values, highlighting their strengths and limitations in revealing different aspects of performance.

Key concept: The median and 99th percentile are good summaries for describing normal behavior and the extent of peaks; for long-tail distributions, use them in preference to average and standard deviation.

Datacenter performance analysis is often about understanding the rightmost 1% of a long-tail probability distribution.

10. Dashboards

This chapter focuses on dashboards as an observation tool for real-time performance monitoring. Dashboards provide summaries of current performance data and are typically updated frequently. The chapter discusses the design of dashboards, including what data to show, update intervals, and calculation intervals. It also covers the use of sanity checks for highlighting potential issues and the importance of interactive elements for exploration.

Key concept: Always label the x- and y-axis of your graphs, giving the units: counts, cycles, msec, KB, etc. Do this even if you are the only one looking at the graph. - Me, here

Clear presentation of dashboard information is crucial for understanding the health and performance of a software system.

11. Other Existing Tools

This chapter surveys existing performance observation tools available on Linux, including counters, profiles, and traces. It discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each type of tool, highlighting the trade-offs between overhead and information captured. The chapter also introduces the concept of offered load and outbound calls as important factors to consider in performance analysis.

Key concept: There are myriad existing performance observation tools, many with strengths and many with weaknesses. Using the free ones and looking to understand their limitations will make you a better informed buyer of commercial tools, should you find a need to shop for one. - Me, here

No single tool is perfect for all situations.

12. Traces

This chapter focuses on traces as observation tools. Traces record time-sequenced events, providing a detailed view of the dynamic behavior of a program. The chapter discusses the advantages and disadvantages of tracing, including the trade-off between precision of observation and its overhead. It also introduces three fundamental questions to consider when designing a tracing tool: what to trace, how long to trace, and with how much overhead.

Key concept: Traces let us distinguish unusual transaction behavior from normal behavior, even when we don’t know ahead of time which transactions will be unusual.

Traces are the most powerful tool for understanding the causes of variations in performance.

13. Observation Tool Design Principles

This chapter delves into the design principles of observation tools, emphasizing the importance of minimizing overhead while maximizing information captured. It revisits the three fundamental questions of tracing (what, how long, and overhead) and provides insights into the design choices and trade-offs involved. The chapter highlights the ‘nothing missing’ design principle for traces, emphasizing the importance of capturing all events within the trace window. It also includes case studies on histogram buckets and data display design.

Key concept: … so the more precisely the location is determined, the less precisely the impulse is known and vice versa. —Werner Heisenberg

The design of a tracing observation tool is a careful balance between getting useful information and minimizing the distortion caused by collecting that information.

14. KUtrace: Goals, Design, Implementation

This chapter introduces KUtrace, a low-overhead software tracing tool designed specifically for observing the dynamics of complex software in time-constrained environments. It outlines the goals of KUtrace, focusing on providing a detailed, nanosecond-level view of CPU activity with minimal performance overhead. The chapter also discusses the design and implementation of KUtrace, highlighting its key features such as kernel patching, a runtime loadable module, and postprocessing programs for generating human-readable visualizations.

Key concept: The KUtrace design must balance gathering useful information about performance and dynamics against having low enough overhead to be useful with demanding time-constrained software.

15. KUtrace: Linux Kernel Patches

This chapter provides a deep dive into the Linux kernel patches that enable KUtrace. It explains the various data structures used by KUtrace, including the trace buffer, trace entries, and IPC (Instructions Per Cycle) trace entries. The chapter details the code patches inserted into different parts of the Linux kernel to capture events like syscalls, interrupts, page faults, and scheduler activity.

Key concept: Because CPUs are slower at storing to unaligned addresses than to aligned ones, we want trace entries (or at least each of their fields if written separately) to be naturally aligned. As a practical matter, these constraints mean trace entries should be 4, 8, or 16 bytes each. - Me, here

Detailed engineering is needed to minimize the overhead of gathering trace data while also making it easy to decode that data.

16. KUtrace: Linux Loadable Module

This chapter focuses on the implementation of the Linux loadable module for KUtrace. It describes the kernel interface data structures, the module’s load/unload routines, how tracing is initialized and controlled, and the implementation of the key Insert1 and InsertN trace call functions. The chapter also explains the mechanism for switching to a new traceblock when the current one is full.

Key concept: To make KUtrace useful on a wide variety of machines, it is structured as a pair of components: fixed patches to the Linux kernel source code and a separate, easily modified, loadable module.

17. KUtrace: User-Mode Runtime Control

This chapter covers the user-mode runtime control for KUtrace. It describes the standalone kutrace_control program, which provides a simple interface for starting, stopping, and saving traces. The chapter also discusses the underlying kutrace_lib library, which offers finer-grained control and allows for inserting user-defined markers and RPC (Remote Procedure Call) events into the trace.

Key concept: The kutrace_control program is a simple interactive command-line tool to start and stop tracing and to extract the trace buffer, while the kutrace_lib library can be linked into any program to allow that program to control tracing itself.

18. KUtrace: Postprocessing

This chapter delves into the postprocessing of KUtrace data, explaining the various steps involved in transforming the raw binary trace file into a human-readable format. It describes the five main postprocessing programs: rawtoevent, eventtospan, spantotrim, spantospan, and makeself. Each program plays a specific role in converting the raw trace data into a structured JSON file, which is then used to generate an interactive HTML display of the software dynamics.

Key concept: The raw trace data is a stream of packed binary 8-byte entries; turning that into something human-understandable is the job of postprocessing.

19. KUtrace: Display of Software Dynamics

This chapter focuses on the visual display of KUtrace data, explaining the features and layout of the dynamic HTML interface generated by the postprocessing steps. It describes the different regions of the display, including the timeline display, control panels, and legends. The chapter also explains the various interactive elements, such as panning, zooming, and annotations, that allow for detailed exploration of the software dynamics.

Key concept: For performance mysteries, the important information is in the patterns - Me, here

The point of the display is to show those patterns.

20. What to Look For

This chapter serves as a guide for reasoning about performance issues using the observations gathered from the KUtrace tool. It highlights common patterns to look for in KUtrace output, such as excessive execution, slow instruction execution, and various forms of waiting (for CPU, memory, disk, network, locks, queues, and timers). The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding the interplay between hardware and software components in contributing to performance bottlenecks.

Key concept: We explore three major themes: Measure, Observe, and Reason. - Me, earlier

This chapter is about what to look for as you reason about the causes of performance bottlenecks.

21. Executing Too Much

This chapter presents a case study of a transaction-server program whose performance bottleneck stems from executing too much code, highlighting a common performance issue in software systems. It demonstrates how KUtrace can be used to analyze the execution dynamics and identify the specific code paths that contribute to excessive execution time.

Key concept: “We know” that … is too simplistic. We rarely know anything for sure about the dynamics of a complex software system.

22. Executing Slowly

This chapter examines a case study of a program that executes slowly due to interference from other programs competing for shared CPU resources. It uses the Whetstone benchmark, a synthetic floating-point benchmark program, to demonstrate how interference from other programs can impact its performance. The chapter highlights the use of IPC (Instructions Per Cycle) values to identify sections of code that are sensitive to interference and to understand the nature of the interference.

Key concept: Benchmarking is difficult. O quam cito transit gloria mundi

It is surprisingly easy to build a benchmark program that does not measure what it claims to measure.

23. Waiting for CPU

This chapter focuses on a program whose performance suffers from delays in having a CPU assigned to its threads. It explains how the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) works and highlights its limitations in achieving perfect fairness in thread execution. The chapter also discusses the problem of idle delays, where runnable threads don’t immediately execute because CPU cores take time to wake up from idle states. It introduces the Half-Optimal Principle as a strategy to minimize waiting time for events.

Key concept: The Half-Optimal Principle: When waiting for a future event E, if it takes time T to exit a waiting state, spin for time T before entering that state - to take no more than twice the optimal time.

To minimize delays, it is worthwhile to spin in a loop for a short time before blocking.

24. Waiting for Memory

This chapter examines a program whose performance bottleneck is waiting for memory. It explores the dynamic interactions between a memory-intensive program and the operating system’s memory management routines, particularly the process of paging to disk. The chapter highlights the unexpected behavior of the system in managing page outs and page ins and the resulting impact on program execution. It also revisits the issue of waiting for CPU due to shared page table access.

Key concept: Because paging can produce 100x slowdowns, production systems are often designed to avoid paging altogether. - Me, here

Memory delays can be substantial.

25. Waiting for Disk

This chapter presents a case study of a program that waits for disk operations, exploring the dynamics of disk read and write operations. It compares the performance of disk drives and SSDs, highlighting their differences in transfer rates and access times. The chapter discusses various disk access patterns, including sequential reads and random reads, and their impact on overall performance. It also examines the behavior of the system when running two programs that access disk storage simultaneously.

Key concept: A good rule of thumb is that if a transfer size is a power of 2, it likely is determined by software, while if it is not a power of 2, it likely is determined by physical constraints. - Me, here

Disk transfers can reveal details about both software and hardware.

26. Waiting for Network

This chapter delves into the intricacies of network remote procedure call (RPC) delays, examining unexpected round-trip delays in a client-server system. It explores various sources of network waiting, including waiting for offered work, waiting for responses from other machines, and waiting for congested network hardware. The chapter uses a combination of RPC logs, packet traces from tcpdump, and execution traces from KUtrace to pinpoint the root causes of delays.

Key concept: Lesson one: Before tackling a performance issue, look at the offered load. No tools? Add them.

Lesson two: Build your services with an offered-load agreement and do checks against that agreement in real time at every RPC arrival, throttling clients or rejecting requests that are out of specification. This is the only way to protect the other clients.

These two lessons are crucial for engineers working on any software system that deals with network traffic.

27. Waiting for Locks

This chapter focuses on the performance implications of waiting for software locks. It explores various locking dynamics, including lock saturation, lock capture, and starvation, using a small multithreaded program that simulates bank transactions. The chapter explains the mechanism of spinlocks and the challenges of implementing efficient locking in a multithreaded environment. It discusses techniques for reducing lock contention and improving overall performance.

Key concept: Locking is complex and prone to performance bugs.

If you have access to a robust and well-debugged locking library, use it rather than building your own.

These two lessons are crucial for engineers working on any software system that has multiple threads.

28. Waiting for Time

This chapter explores the performance implications of waiting for time delays. It discusses various use cases for time delays, including periodic work, timeouts, and timeslicing. The chapter highlights how these delays, while necessary for certain functionalities, can sometimes lead to unexpected execution dynamics and performance issues. It emphasizes the importance of carefully considering the timing implications of any software design that involves waiting for time.

Key concept: Deliberate delays waiting for a timer to expire are a useful part of many programs. Just keep in mind that they can also be sources of unexpected dynamics and performance issues. - Me, here

Don’t assume that all the elapsed time in your programs is spent executing code.

29. Waiting for Queues

This chapter examines the performance implications of waiting for queues, using a small multithreaded program that simulates a work request processing system. It explores the dynamics of queueing, including the effects of request distribution, queue depth, and spinlock behavior. The chapter highlights the importance of observability in queue design and demonstrates how even seemingly minor issues can lead to significant performance bottlenecks. It also discusses techniques for load balancing and optimizing queue performance.

Key concept: Good trouble leads to good learning. - Congressman John Lewis, adapted to software dynamics

This chapter is about a simple program that has queueing dynamics with several subtle flaws.

30. Recap

This final chapter recaps the main points covered throughout the book, emphasizing the iterative process of estimating expected performance, observing actual behavior, and then reasoning about the discrepancies. It summarizes the key takeaways from each part of the book, focusing on the measurement, observation, and reasoning techniques for understanding and diagnosing performance bottlenecks in software systems. The chapter also encourages readers to continue exploring performance analysis techniques and to apply the learned concepts in their own work.

Key concept: When estimates and reality differ, there is always good learning. - Me, many times in this book

This last chapter summarizes the key takeaways and suggests a few next steps.

Essential Questions

1. How Slow Should It Be? Establishing a Baseline for Expected Performance

The book emphasizes that to effectively diagnose performance issues, you must first establish a clear understanding of what ‘good’ performance looks like for your specific application. This involves estimating the expected execution time of various code sections, transactions, or queries based on your knowledge of the software, the underlying hardware, and the anticipated load. Once you have a baseline for expected performance, you can use measurement and observation tools to identify areas where the actual behavior deviates from that expectation. These discrepancies are where you’ll find the performance bottlenecks that need to be addressed.

2. Why Measure When You Can Observe? Understanding the Importance of Dynamic Analysis

The book distinguishes between measuring and observing. Measurement quantifies a single aspect of performance, providing a number but not explaining why that number is good or bad. Observation, on the other hand, encompasses multiple aspects of program behavior, including time sequencing, and can reveal unexpected dynamics that simple measurements miss. Observation tools like logs, dashboards, and traces provide a much richer understanding of how a program interacts with its environment and can pinpoint the specific areas where performance bottlenecks occur.

3. Why Is a ‘Nothing Missing’ Approach Crucial for Effective Tracing?

The book strongly advocates for a ‘nothing missing’ approach to tracing. This means capturing every single event of interest within the trace window without relying on sampling or other techniques that might miss critical events. While sampling-based profilers can be useful for understanding average behavior, they can obscure transient performance issues or anomalies that only occur occasionally. A nothing-missing trace provides a complete and accurate picture of the system’s behavior, enabling you to identify and understand even the most subtle performance bottlenecks.

4. How Can KUtrace be Used to Understand Real-World Software Dynamics?

The book provides a practical guide to building and using a low-overhead tracing tool called KUtrace. KUtrace focuses specifically on capturing kernel-user transitions, which are the fundamental points of interaction between user-mode programs and the operating system. By capturing these transitions with minimal overhead, KUtrace allows for the observation of the true software dynamics of complex systems without significantly distorting their behavior. This allows developers to understand the interplay between software, hardware, and the operating system and to identify performance bottlenecks arising from factors like excessive execution, slow instruction execution, and waiting for various resources.

5. How Can Careful Reasoning Reveal the Root Cause of Performance Bottlenecks?

The book emphasizes the importance of careful reasoning about the data collected from observation tools. Identifying the root cause of a performance problem is often more challenging than simply observing that it exists. This requires understanding the interplay of various factors like CPU execution speed, memory access patterns, disk and network latency, locking behavior, and queueing dynamics. The book provides a framework for reasoning about these factors and for identifying the most likely causes of slowdowns based on observed patterns.

Key Takeaways

1. Cache-Aware Code is Crucial for Performance

Modern CPUs and memory systems are highly optimized for locality of reference. Programs with good data locality – accessing the same or nearby data repeatedly – will perform significantly better than programs with poor data locality, as they’ll experience fewer cache misses and hence less waiting for data to be fetched from slower levels of the memory hierarchy. This understanding is crucial for writing efficient code, especially for computationally intensive tasks common in AI.

Practical Application:

In an AI product, understanding the dynamics of memory access is crucial for performance. For example, when designing a deep learning model, structuring the data and operations to maximize cache hits can significantly reduce training time. Techniques like data parallelism and model parallelism can also be used to take advantage of multiple CPU cores and memory banks.

2. Don’t Assume the Scheduler is Perfect

The operating system scheduler plays a crucial role in determining the performance of multi-threaded programs. The book highlights how scheduler behavior can be complex and often not what a programmer might expect, leading to situations like unfair thread execution, unnecessary idle-loop delays, and suboptimal scheduling decisions. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for achieving good performance, especially in systems with a limited number of CPU cores and heavy workloads.

Practical Application:

Understanding the behavior of the operating system scheduler is particularly important when building multi-threaded AI applications. If your AI system runs on a shared cluster, the system scheduler can cause performance hiccups. Also, be aware of the impact of power-saving states on CPUs; entering a deep sleep state too often can introduce unexpected delays.

3. Network Performance is Rarely Simple

The book delves into the complexities of network performance, highlighting the often-overlooked delays that can occur due to interrupt coalescing, packet retransmissions, and congestion. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for building responsive and reliable network-based applications. The book emphasizes the importance of timestamping network events and using tools like tcpdump and KUtrace to identify and analyze these delays.

Practical Application:

AI systems often involve a complex interplay of components communicating over a network. Understanding the dynamics of network transmissions, including the potential for congestion and packet loss, is essential for building robust and reliable systems. Monitoring offered load, implementing throttling mechanisms, and optimizing message sizes and communication patterns can significantly improve performance and reliability.

4. Locking Can Kill Performance in Multithreaded Applications

The book highlights how software locks, while essential for protecting shared data in multithreaded programs, can often become performance bottlenecks due to lock saturation, lock capture, and starvation. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for designing efficient locking strategies and choosing the right type of lock for a given situation. The book provides insights into techniques for reducing lock contention, such as using multiple locks, minimizing the time spent holding locks, and avoiding actions that can block inside critical sections.

Practical Application:

When designing multi-threaded AI algorithms, minimize lock contention. Consider using fine-grained locking, lock-free data structures, and techniques like read-copy-update (RCU) to reduce the overhead of synchronization and improve concurrency.

5. Effective Dashboards and Visualizations are Crucial for Understanding Performance

The book emphasizes the importance of designing dashboards and visualizations that effectively convey performance information. Visualizations should not only show the ‘what’ of performance but also the ‘why’. Presenting data in a way that is easy for humans to understand and reason about is crucial for quickly identifying and diagnosing performance bottlenecks.

Practical Application:

When building a performance monitoring system for an AI product, carefully consider what data to show and how to display it effectively. Prioritize clarity and conciseness, highlighting anomalies and trends that might indicate performance bottlenecks. Provide interactive elements for exploration and analysis of the data. Consider incorporating KUtrace-like tracing capabilities into your AI product itself.

Suggested Deep Dive

Chapter: Chapter 29: Waiting for Queues

This chapter, exploring queueing dynamics, is most relevant for AI product engineers building complex AI systems. The case study of the ‘queuetest’ program with its queueing design flaws offers valuable lessons in understanding how seemingly minor issues in queue management can lead to significant performance bottlenecks, a situation often encountered when building complex AI pipelines with multiple processing stages.

Memorable Quotes

Foreword. 28

Dick Sites approaches problem-solving in a way that is shockingly rare these days: he finds it almost personally offensive to make guesses, and instead he insists on understanding a phenomenon before trying to fix it.

Preface. 32

This book is about not guessing, but knowing.

1.1 Datacenter Context. 42

In a datacenter, a higher average latency but shorter tail latency is usually preferred over a lower average latency and longer tail latency. Most commuters prefer the same thing - a route that takes a few minutes longer but always takes about the same time is better than a slightly faster route that occasionally has unpredictable hour-long delays.

2.2 Where Are We Now?. 63

People who are more than casually interested in computers should have at least some idea of what the underlying hardware is like. Otherwise the programs they write will be pretty weird. - Don Knuth

5.3 Software Disk Access and On-Disk Buffering. 155

As computer scientists, we tend to think of the world as clean 1s and 0s, but this is just a digital abstraction - the real world remains analog and breaks the abstraction now and then in vicious ways.

Comparative Analysis

This book stands out in its hands-on approach to performance analysis, particularly for complex, real-world software systems, in contrast to other books that tend to focus on theoretical concepts or simplified examples. It’s a welcome contrast to books like Brendan Gregg’s ‘Systems Performance’, which dives deep into various performance tools but doesn’t focus as heavily on the underlying understanding of software dynamics. The book also differs from academic texts on operating systems or computer architecture, as it bridges the gap between those fields and real-world software development. While it shares common ground with those texts in discussing concepts like caching, memory management, and scheduling, it goes beyond theory by emphasizing the practical aspects of measurement, observation, and reasoning to diagnose performance bottlenecks.


This book is a valuable resource for anyone involved in building and maintaining high-performance, time-constrained software systems. While the examples are focused on traditional server software, the core principles and techniques are equally applicable to modern AI systems, especially those that involve real-time processing, large datasets, distributed computing, and complex interactions between various components. The book’s emphasis on understanding the underlying dynamics rather than relying on superficial measurements is particularly relevant in the context of AI. Given the complexity of AI algorithms and the vast amount of data they process, it’s easy to get lost in performance metrics without truly understanding the reasons for slowdowns. The author’s experience in optimizing performance at companies like Google lends credibility to the approach presented in the book. The hands-on nature of the book, with detailed examples and exercises, makes it particularly valuable for learning and applying the concepts. However, the book’s focus on low-level system details might be overwhelming for readers who are primarily interested in high-level AI development. It’s essential to strike a balance between understanding the low-level intricacies and focusing on the higher-level design and implementation of AI systems. Overall, ‘Understanding Software Dynamics’ is a unique and insightful book that challenges traditional performance analysis approaches and offers a practical, observation-driven methodology for building efficient and reliable software systems, including those powered by artificial intelligence.


Define Latency

The elapsed wall-clock time between two events.

Define Offered Load

The number of transactions sent to a server program per second.

Define Critical Section

A piece of code that accesses shared data in a way that would not behave correctly if more than one thread does so concurrently.

Define Order of Magnitude

An approximate measure of the size of a number, often as the nearest power of 10.

Define Cache

A hardware or software mechanism that provides an auxiliary memory from which high-speed retrieval is possible.

Define Lock Saturation

A software lock that is contended almost all the time, preventing any gain in performance from having multiple threads.

Define Lock Capture

A single thread repeatedly acquiring and releasing a lock and then immediately reacquiring it before other threads have a chance to.

Define Instruction Latency

The number of CPU cycles from starting the execution phase of an instruction and starting the execution phase of a dependent instruction.

Define Disk Track

The circle of data passing under one read/write head on a hard disk.